This format is compatible with all translator’s tools and allows you to neutralize the work of preparing the copy, since the file supplied by the translator is natively prepared. All you have to do is import the file and mirror the two documents.
Thanks to Pomdoc Pro, you can consult the version to be translated in the same time as the original version. The modification tracking features allow you to follow the progress and modification of the source version and to directly apply the translation in the target document for an optimized delivery.
The translation memory is a CAT tool that gives a cohesive voice to your document. It helps translators become up to 60% more efficient. With Pomdoc Pro, translation layout is immediate, which considerably reduces document delivery times. The joint use of both technologies cuts translation time in half.
For your translators, the application is entirely available in english. Thanks to it’s autonomy, vos collaborateurs travaillerons sur un outil simple et selon une méthodologie efficace appliquée par l’ensemble des agences de traduction. Qu’il soit freelance ou à distance, chacun travaille en toute autonomie pour concourir à la traduction du document.
L’esprit collaboratif s’étend bien au-delà du document. Chez Pomelo-Paradigm, chaque partenaire est un acteur de son domaine de prédilection et fait profiter de son expertise tout l’écosystème. Venez rejoindre notre réseau et travaillez en total collaboration dans le respect de chacun.